Saturday, January 29, 2011

And... We need to stop being lazy...

...procrastin-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-shu-uh-un... <---to the tune of the Imagination song on South Park (Moriko [me] likes South Park, not Hana-chan. I'm just weird like that...)

Another update...yeah. I need to stop adding ellipses. Next strip needs to be edited, the one after needs to be scanned, et cetera, et cetera. (Did I spell that right?) I've been lazier lately, mostly because I've been playing Final Fantasy VII on my PS3 (how retro, I get a PS3 just to play FFVII) and because I'm slightly sick. I think I got our sugar glider sick, too - I can hear his sneezing even all done up in his shirt/bed. Awww...kawaii!!! X3

To get myself more in the mood of doing this, or maybe just because I love zombie movies (I can't handle any horrors except One Missed Call and zombie movies), I've just watched the newest Resident Evil movie, Afterlife. It's pretty kick-bleep. I mean, maybe that's just because the beginning was in Japan and the main heroine, Alice, had katanas (squee!!!), but I just love watching the undead get their bleeps handed to them. And also jerkfaced movie producers. It kinda sucks that the cool Korean guy had to die, though. T.T I really need to play the actual games... Maybe I'll borrow 5 from my stepdad. But the other ones look a lot better. I dunno, what'd'you think?

Anywho.. If I'm sick, I really shouldn't be up this late blogging, ne? I guess I'm signing off then. Hopefully, I'll be typing the next update decked out in my Haidong Gumdo attire. I need to take up those lessons again... G'night!, I mean, g'morning!

1 comment:

  1. Hey how are you!? :D. I didn't know that you were Celestial Otaku who commented on my comic. I've been waaaayyy busy @.@
    Thanks for checking out my comic. I changed it over to blogger so here's the new link

    hope to hear from you soon. btw love the artwork on your comic ^^
